" To grasp the full significance of life is the actors duty, to interpret it is his problem, and to express it is his dedication."
-Marlon Brando
Michael Schnick is a New York based character actor and filmmaker from Texas. He started doing theatre at the age of fourteen, fell in love, and never looked back. He is currently pursuing a career in the film and television industry on both sides of the camera. He will have his associates in video arts and technology, and have a film production certificate from The New School University by this spring. He has studied acting with countless coaches across the country. Has been apart of over forty productions from TX to LA to NYC, in all capacities.
"Standing out in the cast is Michael Schnick as Jason. Whether talking about short stories he writes or the speed limit he might have been exceeding, Schnick provides an undercurrent of true regret and painful awkwardness that's riveting to watch."
-Barry Pineo, Austin Chronicle